
Dashboard Overview

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Bridge Builder Blog/Dashboard/Dashboard Overview

Reviewing Your Main Dashboard

And how to navigate it within seconds each day...

Let's have a glance and review your dashboard's functions.

You have your pipeline at this time.

If you've been a Bridger member for over a year, your old pipeline will be in the 2023 section.

As you click 2024, you will notice that your pipeline changes. Most things have stayed the same here.

The engagement section is a comprehensive view of all your interactions.

It includes your emails, audio and video calls, DMs, manual emails, meetings, LinkedIn videos, and any other tasks you've set up.

This comprehensive view is designed to give you a complete understanding of your interactions and tasks.

The YTD Goals and Projects is a section where you can visually see your sales and progress.

Click any company name, and I will change the chart. 

Up in the top right-hand side are any of the notifications you have today, appointments, events, meetings, and all of the present Bridger sales courses and training for you.

​That's a quick overview of your dashboard.

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Have issues with cold email? Not getting the results you desire? 

hen grab your Cold Email Playbook and use the same Cold Email Templates we use to get over 64% open rates and 53% clickthrough rates.  

Bridger is a Streamlined Results ltd. product.
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